Osteoporosis Dorset is a registered charity established in 1992 to raise awareness and increase public interest in bone health, falls and fragility fractures through our educational initiatives.

'Prevention Through Education' was our rubric from the outset.

Co-founded by a retired R.A.F. officer (the late John Rees), a consultant rheumatologist (Paul Thompson) and a nurse (Carol Jones), the charity is managed by a board of trustees.

Our registered office is based in Bournemouth.

What We Do

Osteoporosis Dorset has relentlessly campaigned for the last two decades to improve bone health in the County. The charity has played a key role in raising awareness.

It has a track record of providing health care professionals and the public with ‘free’ high quality evidence-based information via a concerted programme of ‘activity’. This has played a key role in raising awareness and increasing public interest in falls and bone health.

Our peer support programmes have the potential to heighten motivation, improve function, adherence to treatment, resulting not just in better clinical outcomes but the development of a network of social support and lifelong friendship.

Since its inception in 1992 the charity’s aim is to reduce the burden of fragility fractures on the local health community.

In order to advance our aim, the charity’s objectives will be to:

Area Covered

Services We Provide

President – Diana Moran

TV’s original fitness guru, Diana Moran, aka The Green Goddess, is an all round television and radio personality with a career that has embraced success in many areas.

In her fifties, Diana fell over and broke her wrist, gaining first hand experience of just how inconvenient and painful broken bones can be. She was only to regain full use of her wrist with extensive physiotherapy. Diana’s experience and interest led her to accept the invitation to become President of Osteoporosis Dorset in 1992.

Diana Moran


Dr Tarun Solanki

Tarun is a Consultant Physician at Taunton and Somerset NHS Trust. He is the Clinical Lead for the Local Osteoporosis Service and the Orthogeriatric Service. He qualified from the University of Wales College of Medicine and completed a Masters degree in Gerontology at King’s College, London. He is a Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians and an examiner for the MRCP PACES examination. His main clinical and research interest is in metabolic bone disease in the elderly.

The Board of Trustees

All board members are trustees of the charity. Osteoporosis Dorset ensures that people living with and directly affected by osteoporosis are represented in its governance. All trustees give their time, energy and expertise for free and we are very grateful for their support.

Below is a list of the charity’s trustees:

  • Dr Clare Davies
  • Dr Adam Wheldon
  • Dr Fouz Rahmeh
  • Mrs Carol Jones

Scientific Advisers (CSA)

The CSA advises the Management Team and Board of Trustees on medical and clinical matters. Its members are all well respected in the medical world and have specific expertise in the field of osteoporosis. All give their time, energy and expertise for free.

  • Professor Bo Abrahamsen
  • Professor Emma Clark
  • Professor Juliet Compston
  • Dr Clare Davies
  • Professor Elaine Dennison
  • Dr Ciaran Dunne
  • Professor Nick Harvey
  • Dr Nicola Peel
  • Dr Fouz Rahmeh
  • Professor Michael Stone
  • Professor Richard Keen
  • Mr Heath Taylor

Scientific Fora

A number of scientific fora advise the charity in their specialist areas via the Committee of Scientific Advisers. Here is a list of the Charity’s fora:

  • Nutrition, Lifestyle and Exercise Forum: oversees the development of initiatives relevant to nutrition, lifestyle and exercise.
  • Continuing Professional Development (CPD) Forum: oversees the scientific content for Healthcare Professionals at our CPD events.
  • Patient Forum: advises on the development of strategies to facilitate our educational initiatives.
  • Annual Medical Conference Planning Committee: advises on the organisation of the event and oversees the scientific content of the conference programme.
  • Practical Management of Osteoporosis Conference Planning Committee: advises on the organisation of the event and oversees the scientific content of the conference programme.
