
Osteoporosis Dorset launches all-new website
9 Aug

Osteoporosis Dorset launches all-new website

Osteoporosis Dorset has launched an all-new website. The website features a modern design, new content and an enhanced improved user-experience; which will play a key role in raising awareness and increasing public interest in falls and bone health. The charity has relentlessly campaigned for the last two decades to improve bone health in the County. The charity has played...

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Popular osteoporosis drug ‘raises risk of sight problems in elderly’
8 Aug

Popular osteoporosis drug ‘raises risk of sight problems in elderly’

The following information is taken from the mail online. Women taking drugs to prevent osteoporosis may have a higher risk of serious inflammatory eye disease, say researchers. Researchers found women taking bisphosphonates for the first time had a 45 per cent increased risk of the eye disorders uveitis and scleritis. In rare cases sufferers may develop blindness, although prompt medical...

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Osteonecrosis of the jaw (ONJ)
7 Aug

Osteonecrosis of the jaw (ONJ)

The following information is taken from the National Osteoporosis Society’s Drug Treatments leaflet. There is some information suggesting a link between drugs from the bisphosphonate family and a condition called osteonecrosis of the jaw. This is a rare condition and seems to be mostly associated with very high doses of bisphosphonate drugs given intravenously (via a needle into a vein)...

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