Diamond jubilee fundraising party in the park

17 Sep

Diamond jubilee fundraising party in the park

Presentation of cheque at Poole Osteoporosis Peer Support Group (PSG), Monday 6th August 2012 (Far left: Sylvia Pateman (Lead, PSG), Ann Cox (sitting with the flowers) and the ladies who organised the Diamond Jubilee Party in the Park.

Ann - "Unfortunately I have suffered from broken bones in the spine caused by osteoporosis. I regularly attend Poole Support Group. We hear about drug treatments, keeping active and many other things. It isn’t just about getting information, it is meeting other people in a similar situation to me".

On Monday 4th June 2012, the residents of Beamish Road and Warburton Road, Canford Heath held a ‘Diamond Jubilee Party in the Park’. 300 people attended, they took food to share and organised fun activities i.e. egg and spoon and sack races etc. £466 was raised to go to charity. Ann nominated Osteoporosis Dorset, “I was delighted that my charity was drawn out of the hat. I love where I live, people are so neighbourly and friendly – just like people at the Poole Support Group”.